Prevention and Maintenance

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Regular house maintenance to prevent water damage, or to repair it in a timely manner, is especially important for those who are sensitive to their environments.  Preventing problems will help avoid financial and health costs.

This page will provide checklists for maintenance, and house design.  Resources will be included to explore these concept in more detail.

Dr. James Scott of University of Toronto published a procedure manual for residents that is available on-line.  It provides detailed guidelines of how to visually assess for mold and water damage, how to repair, and how to maintain.  Checklists for daily, weekly, monthly, and annual inspections of one’s property are included.  Although Dr. Scott dismisses the role of toxic mould in chronic illness, his guidelines are the most thorough available for approaching prevention and regular house maintenance.



Dr. James Scott (2014). Clean Up Procedures for Mold in Houses. Government of Canada: Canada Mortgage and Housing Company.