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Environmental Health:

Canadian Environmental Health Atlas A multi-disciplinary project for advancing knowledge of environmental health and illness prevention (developed, in part, by Dr. Bruce Lanphear of Simon Fraser University, in Burnaby, British Columbia).


Indoor Air Quality:

Hayward Score Founded by Bill Hayward and Carl Grimes, both of whom were negatively affected by indoor environments, the Hayward Score is an evidence-based questionnaire designed to assist families in identifying issues and creating an action plan to make the indoor environment healthier.  Focused on the mission of improving the quality of indoor environments, their website provides resources regarding symptoms, principles of a healthy home, and common problems with indoor environments.


Mould Illness:

Biotoxin Journey   Written by Greg Minske, a former construction contractor and math teacher, this website is thorough, scientific, and straight forward.   Greg shares his own experience with mould illness, gives a very thorough overview of the Shoemaker Protocol for treating mould illness, and shares details of how he tested and remediated his home.

Surviving Mold   This website outlines Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker’s protocol, a well known and precise protocol to treating mould illness.  This physician is, by all accounts, the first physician to make the connection between particular chronic illness and exposure to biotoxins (first, illness from ciguatera from fish, and at some point after, illness arising from water damaged buildings.)

Paradigm Change  Written and maintained by Lisa Petrison, Executive Director of the non-profit, Paradigm Change, this website is focused on the role of mould in chronic illness.  One of the primary goals of Paradigm Change is to support research into the role of mold in chronic illness.  This website has an astounding amount of information, including consolidated surveys from people with mould illness who practice Mold Avoidance.

It Takes Time  Andrea Fabry is a spouse and mom of nine who maintains this informative site about illness from toxic mould, based on her family’s health issues and healing after abandoning their home in 2008.  She has a regular online radio show, Toxic Tuesdays, cohosted with her husband, Chris, that focuses on indoor environments and health.